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Virtual/On-line Meetings in Los Angeles                                             





Welcome to S.L.A.A. Los Angeles online "Virtual" meetings! Click on the link below for the list of meetings and the contact information for each Host/ Secretary/ Password-Keeper. Please reach out to each meeting's host well in advance of the start of the meetings!

Click here: 

S.L.A.A. Virtual Meetings List

Allow at least one day, or at least several hours before the start of a meeting, to give the host plenty of time to answer your request for a password. And then join the meeting 10 - 15 minutes early to allow yourself time to troubleshoot Zoom if necessary, and settle into the virtual space.  

Meeting Additions/changes

Please fill out the  Virtual Meeting ADD/CHANGE form  to add a new Virtual Meeting to the list, or change any information about your current meeting.

Any other questions, email the Virtual Meeting Registrar:  virtualmeetings (at)

Virtual Meeting Security

Based on suggestions from fellows, and in order to maintain a safe virtual space for everyone, we ask that individuals be mindful of behavior and content that may be triggering to others’ addictions:

  • Screen Names: Please be sure that your screen name is your first name, or first name and last initial only. This can be changed from your Zoom screen by clicking on Participants, finding your name, and clicking “Rename”. 

  • Visual Triggers: Please be mindful of your physical location, and anything else on your screen that may be triggering to others. 

  • Confidentiality: During the meeting, please use headphones if there is anyone in your vicinity who may be able to hear the meeting. 

  • Cross-Talk: In order to maintain the boundaries of safety, we ask that all members be considerate and refrain from speaking while another member is speaking, commenting directly on someone else’s share or giving advice. In this virtual space, we ask that you maintain these same guidelines in the chat window and be considerate about messaging individuals or the group while someone is sharing. 

Please read more here:

Digital Security Document

Meeting Format

Each meeting is autonomous, and will determine what its format should be. You're welcome to use this Sample Meeting Format if it's helpful. If you are asked to read by the leader, you can find these "core" S.L.A.A. Reading Materials. 

7th Tradition for Virtual Mtgs.

For hosting meetings longer than 45 minutes, one needs a Zoom Pro account, which can be purchased for $15/month. Collecting 7th Tradition to cover the Zoom “rent” or other costs/donations is up to each individual meeting. Any overages collected may be donated to Intergroup via PayPal on the S.L.A.A. website Donate page. 

Virtual Team Meeting

© 2022  S.L.A.A. Los Angeles, Inc. 

Tel: 310-595-8741 -  Email: info (at)

P.O. Box 480379; Los Angeles, CA 90048

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