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The Bottom Line Newsletter
Read the October 2023 "The Bottom Line" here
(Archive Here)

The Bottom Line is S.L.A.A. Los Angeles' monthly newsletter that contains information about local upcoming news and events, what’s happening at the Los Angeles Intergroup, outreach phone list (omitted in the online version for privacy), and study of the S.L.A.A. program.  It also contains a printed list of all the current S.L.A.A. meetings in the Los Angeles area.

You can get a free copy of The Bottom Line at any meeting you go to or download the online version when it becomes available.

The deadline for submissions for workshop and meeting announcements for the current issue is the 3rd Sunday of every month prior to that month’s issue. (For example, May submissions are due the 3rd week in April.)


Please email submissions or any questions regarding The Bottom Line to: The Bottom Line Editor:  bottomline (at) or use the form below:

© 2022  S.L.A.A. Los Angeles, Inc. 

Tel: 310-595-8741 -  Email: info (at)

P.O. Box 480379; Los Angeles, CA 90048

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