Bottom Line Editor
Sobriety Requirements: 6 months sobriety
Position Requirements: Must be computer literate
Maintains email account:
Sends to Intergroup Secretary a digital version of monthly Intergroup report no later than Friday prior to the meeting.
Makes verbal announcement at meetings per agenda.
Produces & distributes The Bottom Line, the S.L.A.A. Los Angeles monthly publication.
Designs the layout of the current month’s publication, gathering stories, information, and news items.
Coordinates with Secretary and Treasurer for required postings including: L.A. Intergroup contact information; Fellowship Wide Services contact information; Reach-out phone numbers; L.A. S.L.A.A. website address; Updated Los Angeles Current Meetings List.
Collects 1 copy of flyers for new meetings, workshops, retreats, etc. at Intergroup Meeting for inclusion in current newsletter.
Other Suggested Postings: New Meetings Information; Workshops and Retreats information; Area and F.W.S. S.L.A.A. 12 approved information that needs to be disseminated to the local fellowship.
Brings printed copies of The Bottom Line to Intergroup Meeting for handing out. Each meeting receives 10 free copies; any additional copies that are left over after the meeting are free.
Maintains interim contact with Webmaster to provide updates as needed. Emails PDF file of The Bottom Line each month to Webmaster for posting on the website.