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Service Opportunities in S.L.A.A.

Being of service is one of the most important tools in our recovery, keeping us coming back and remaining sober!  Taking a service commitment allows us to practice the Twelfth Step and Fifth Tradition by carrying the message to fellows who suffer from our disease:


S.L.A.A. Twelfth Step – Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to sex and love addicts and to practice these principles in all areas of our lives. 


S.L.A.A. Fifth Tradition – Each group has but one primary purpose – to carry its message to the sex and love addict who still suffers.







Group Level

A great way to start doing service in S.L.A.A. is to take a commitment at your group. Even starting with smaller roles like Timer or Setup can be a great way to contribute to the meeting, and at the same time improve our self esteem. Many groups offer "co-commitment" opportunities, where two people can share the responsibility, giving more flexibility. Other positions may include being Secretary, Treasurer, Phone List, Literature or Representing your group at the monthly L.A. Intergroup meetings. In any of these ways, we give back to the program what we continue to receive!  

Intergroup Level

Service opportunities at the monthly Los Angeles Intergroup meeting include Secretary (chairs the meeting), Treasurer & Treasurer Assistant, Literature and Literature Assistant, Meeting Registrar, Bottom Line Editor, Record Keeper, Webmaster and Board of Trustees (elected separately at the Annual Board Meeting.)  Additionally, there are Chairpersons for the Los Angeles Committees:  Jails & Treatment Centers and Workshops & Retreats. Other commitments include "F.W.S. Conference Committee Conduits," who are members of Fellowship-wide (F.W.S.) Committees, (who typically meet by phone once/month.) The Conduits then report back to the L.A. Intergroup on their activities, inviting new members to participate.  Lastly, the Intergroup elects Delegates to attend the S.L.A.A. F.W.S. Annual Business Meeting/Conference, where they attend various sessions and committee meetings, and then report back to Intergroup. 

Fellowship-Wide Services (F.W.S.)  

Join an F.W.S. Conference Committee!  Meetings are done by conference call, usually once / month. Members join from all over the world!  Topics include S.L.A.A. Diversity, Steps, Traditions & Concepts, Literature, The Journal, and many others!  For more information, visit the F.W.S. website: Service Opportunities

Community Service

© 2022  S.L.A.A. Los Angeles, Inc. 

Tel: 310-595-8741 -  Email: info (at)

P.O. Box 480379; Los Angeles, CA 90048

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